Frellcast Season Four Wrap Up

This week the Farscape Friends sit down to review all that Season has given and all that it has taken away. Erin starts with a short history of how and why the show was cancelled, the efforts to save it, and its eventual rebirth as Peacekeeper Wars. She and Monica then move on to topics,Continue reading “Frellcast Season Four Wrap Up”

Frellcast 422 – Bad Timing

Amazingly, it is already the series finale and the Farscape Friends throw down on allies, doubt, failure, & family in 422 “Bad Timing”. This week Monica & Erin are joined by special guest Nikita to speculate on Braca’s “particulars”, if D’argo might be the biggest John/Aeryn shipper of them all, and how to handle difficultContinue reading “Frellcast 422 – Bad Timing”

Frellcast 421 – We’re So Screwed Part III: La Bomba

In “We’re So Screwed Part III: La Bomba,” the Farscape Friends navigate the aftermath of last week’s many plot twists and evaluate whether they really paid off. Scorpius’ allegiances become murkier, no one knows why Stark is here, both War Minister Akhna and Commandant Grayza fall from power, and Erin and Monica cover it all.

Frellcast 420 – We’re So Screwed Part II: Hot To Katratzi

The Farscape Friends are reunited and it feel so weird this week in 420 – “We’re So Screwed Part II: Hot to Katratzi”. Monica & Erin adjust to being in the same room before discussing bombs and the plan before the plan, wham bam plot twists, and gift the world the term “Johnologue”. They wouldContinue reading “Frellcast 420 – We’re So Screwed Part II: Hot To Katratzi”

Frellcast 419 – We’re So Screwed Part I: Fetal Attraction

The Farscape Friends kick off the beginning of the end this week with episode 419 “We’re So Screwed Part I: Fetal Attraction.” Monica & Erin do their best to appreciate the Moya Improv Troupe’s nimble adjustments in the form of well-deployed projectile vomiting. Monica delivers a Very Big Science Yell and Harvey returns, mostly toContinue reading “Frellcast 419 – We’re So Screwed Part I: Fetal Attraction”

Frellcast 418 – Prayer

Surprising no one, the Farscape Friends do some yelling (science & otherwise) about 418 “Prayer” but hey, in the words of John Crichton, it’s out of our hands. Monica & Erin try to make their own fun while dealing with unimpressive deals & less impressive plans, grossness galore, and basically really wishing everyone would justContinue reading “Frellcast 418 – Prayer”

Frellcast 417 – Constellation Of Doubt

This week the Farscape Friends are joined by special guest Gabe the DM who helps Monica & Erin clarify their brand before flipping over to episode 417 “Constellation of Doubt”. The gang investigate the investigation, discuss John’s grueling journey to remember a word, ponder tv transmissions in space, and meditate on how D’argo just mightContinue reading “Frellcast 417 – Constellation Of Doubt”

Frellcast 415 – Mental As Anything

The Farscape Friends aren’t going in your icosahedron this week but they will talk about episode 415 “Mental As Anything.” Monica & Erin are unsurprisingly bummed about this boy’s weekend where Pilot’s a third wheel, Lo’laan is a total dud, and hotbox John learns nothing and fails miserably at it. On the bright side theyContinue reading “Frellcast 415 – Mental As Anything”

Frellcast 411 – Unrealized Reality

Well folks it’s finally TIME to talk about 412 – “Unrealized Reality”. The Farscape Friends audit Wormholes 102 this week as Kemper goes full Kempertown. Monica’s in love with the mythology, Einstein’s many charms, and the story of climbing Mt. Everest to kill/feed a puppy. On the other hand, Erin’s on board for makeout b-roll,Continue reading “Frellcast 411 – Unrealized Reality”

Frellcast 410 – Coup By Clam

It’s episode 410 “Coup By Clam” and the Farscape Friends are ready to yell about science and misogyny! This week Monica & Erin call space madness as the crew tackles gender 101 only to fumble constantly down the entire length of the field. Tune in for grumbling about bad drag, “both sides”-ing, and the bafflingContinue reading “Frellcast 410 – Coup By Clam”

Frellcast 409 – A Prefect Murder

This week the Farscape Friends confront the space murder mind control mystery with bees no one was asking for in 409 – “A Prefect Murder.” Monica & Erin try to untangle yarn heads, wasp goths, and space Elrond in an attempt to make sense of a notoriously confusing plot. As always tune in for discussionsContinue reading “Frellcast 409 – A Prefect Murder”

Frellcast 405 – Promises

Oh were you looking for the episode where Moya returns, Aeryn returns, Aeryn has heat delirium, Scorpius is alive, Scorpius wants (and gets) asylum on Moya, Aeryn gets in trouble for political murders, Moya’s gonna get bombed by PKs, Harvey dies, Moya (almost) dies, and everyone has a lot of feelings? Cause it’s “Promises”. TuneContinue reading “Frellcast 405 – Promises”

Frellcast 404 – Lava’s A Many Splendored Thing

The Farscape Friends are back at it again in 2018 with “Lava’s A Many Splendored Thing.” Monica & Erin gross themselves out more than once in this bathroom break episode but manage to find beauty in Sikozu & Chiana’s gnarly collaboration, the D’argo/John buddy cop movie happening inside the episode, and of course the 4thContinue reading “Frellcast 404 – Lava’s A Many Splendored Thing”

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