Frellcast 321 – Into The Lion’s Den Part II: Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

Podcast pal Alasdair Wilkins returns to join Monica & Erin in their discussion of “Into the Lion’s Den Part II: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing.” The Farscape friends choose their own adventure with Crais, debate the difference between a slap & a caress, and really get to the heat of the meat on moral ambiguity andContinue reading “Frellcast 321 – Into The Lion’s Den Part II: Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing”

Frellcast 320 – Into The Lion’s Den Part I: Lambs To The Slaughter

This week Monica & Erin are joined by special guest Alasdair Wilkins to talk episode 320 “Into the Lion’s Den Part I: Lambs to the Slaughter”. In between bouts of singing Braca’s praises & making eyes emojis at Aeryn’s old flame the Farscape Friends chat about competing motivations, the new adult in the room, andContinue reading “Frellcast 320 – Into The Lion’s Den Part I: Lambs To The Slaughter”

Frellcast 318 – Fractures

Episode 318 – “Fractures” gets pretty dense with all the reunions, emotions, and car chases. Luckily, Monica & Erin are here to guide you through all that as well as the Muppet Porn we frankly should have been preparing for this whole time. Join the Farscape Friends for an organometallic chemistry themed science yelling, theirContinue reading “Frellcast 318 – Fractures”

Frellcast 317 – The Choice

It’s time for the Farscape Friends to make some tough decisions in episode 317 – “The Choice”. Monica & Erin take a hard look at Aeryn’s goth bladerunner themed emotional fallout as well as what Peacekeepers are willing to do for love. Tune in for Rygel’s good sense, the Spiderman, an upsetting multi-eyed murder babyContinue reading “Frellcast 317 – The Choice”

Frellcast 316 – Revenging Angel

This week we’re back on Moya as the Farscape Friends get animated for episode 316 – “Revenging Angel”. Monica & Erin chase down the many metaphors that weren’t to be as well as convoluted “will to live” tropes while dodging a reverse Chekhov’s gun and rude names for D’argo’s ship. Stay tuned for appreciation ofContinue reading “Frellcast 316 – Revenging Angel”

Frellcast 315 – Infinite Possibilities Part II: Icarus Abides

This week Monica & Erin are joined by special guest Nikita & all three brace for the worst in episode 315 – “Infinite Possibilities Part II: Icarus Abides”. The Farscape Friends place bets on their emotional devastation in an episode and story arc dominated by a surprisingly predictable dread. Also discussed are the puzzling mechanicsContinue reading “Frellcast 315 – Infinite Possibilities Part II: Icarus Abides”

Frellcast 314 – Infinite Possibilities Part I: Daedalus Demands

This week Monica and Erin go down down the wormhole yet again for episode 314 – Infinite Possibilities Part I: Daedalus Demands, the pivotal opening to the third season’s most game-changing story. The Farscape Friends try to avoid spoilers while revisiting Ghosts of Season One Past, assessing Farscape as action movie, and debating just howContinue reading “Frellcast 314 – Infinite Possibilities Part I: Daedalus Demands”

Frellcast 313 – Scratch ‘n Sniff

Grab a raslak, sit back, and enjoy the Farscape Friends recounting one of the least relaxing vacations in television history with episode 313 – “Scratch ‘n Sniff”. Monica and Erin get down and boogie with organic conflict, unconventional editing, ridiculous science, and the glorious return of Fran. Listen carefully, though, cause they really don’t wantContinue reading “Frellcast 313 – Scratch ‘n Sniff”

Frellcast 312 – Meltdown

This week on the Frellcast everyone gets overheated for episode 312 – “Meltdown”. Farscape Friends Monica & Erin are joined by Chief Horniness Correspondent Nikita fora sax-fueled jaunt through one of Farscape’s wildest stories. Tune into hear our surprisingly emotional reaction Stark’s guilt as well as an attempt to stay sober through some seriously sillyContinue reading “Frellcast 312 – Meltdown”

Frellcast 309 – Losing Time

It’s Episode 309 – “Losing Time” and the Farscape Friends are splitting their discussion between the comedy stylings of the Moya gang & the plot machinations of Scorpius and his wormholes. Monica & Erin work the angles of whether this is a breath of fresh air or untethered letdown, give up on garbage energy monstersContinue reading “Frellcast 309 – Losing Time”

Frellcast 308 – Green Eyed Monster

Join the Farscape Friends for a virtual feelings safari in Episode 308 – “Green Eyed Monster”. Surprising no one, Monica and Erin dedicate a significant portion of the episode to unraveling the unnerving knot that is John & Aeryn with a few diversions (is “vomit” this week’s “daddy”?). Bonus: correctly guess how many times MonicaContinue reading “Frellcast 308 – Green Eyed Monster”

Frellcast 305 – …Different Destinations

The Farscape Friends get blasted to the past this week in episode 305 “…Different Destinations.” It’s all guilt, death, and Harvey for Monica & Erin as John acts like he’s in Back to the Future when really he’s in a much darker place. Tune in for some weird gallows humor, Jool stuff, and as manyContinue reading “Frellcast 305 – …Different Destinations”

Frellcast 304 – Self Inflicted Wounds Part II: Wait For The Wheel

It’s the end of an era as the Farscape Friends bid a long farewell to Zhaan in episode 304 “Self Inflicted Wounds Part II: Wait For The Wheel”. Monica & Erin celebrate the FrellCast’s One Year Anniversary (YAY!!) by having lot to say about Zhaan’s place with, impact on, and departure from the Moya crew.Continue reading “Frellcast 304 – Self Inflicted Wounds Part II: Wait For The Wheel”

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